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Dark Ages

debut feature film by Tom Wilson
Festival Kamera Oko 2023


Carmen, an elderly artist, returns home after a long absence and throws the life of her neighbour – Angela, a single mother of three – into chaos. Her bohemian and eccentric presence exerts a magnetic appeal for Angela’s daughter Sara, who at 14 years of age is longing for a way of escaping her mother. Carmen hopes to use Sara to finish her last ever artwork, a terrifying enactment of her own radical anti-Art philosophy.


Original title: Dark Ages
Czech title: Zlý časy
Length: 68 min
Country: Romania, Czech Republic
Produced by: 42KM FILM (RO)
Co-produced by: Cinémotif Films (CZ)
With the support of: Romanian Film Centre, Czech Film Fund
Partners: Havas Media, Active Choice Media, TVR
Shooting format: Digital 2K/ Color
Screen ratio: cinemascope
Framerate: 24
Original language: Romanian
Czech Distribution: Marienbad Film


Writer: Tom Wilson, Loredana Novak
Director: Tom Wilson
Producer: Corneliu Porumboiu, Roxana Garet
Co-producers: Tomáš Michálek, Martina Netíková
Cinematography: Bogdan Filip
Editor: Cātālin Cristutiu
Dramaturgy: Jakub Felcman
Music: Aid Kid
Sound: Miroslav Píbil
Sound Design: Michaela Patríková, David Titěra
Set Designer: Snia Constantinescu, Anca Miron
Makeup: Michaela Hollá, Sandra Pātrāuceanu
Executive Producer: Anda Ionescu
Cast: Una Toma, Diana Cheorghian, Cosmina Lirca, Otilia Ciofiac, Eva Maria Cristian

© 42KM FILM, Cinémotif Films, MagicLab 2022